Friday, November 11, 2011

Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus)


Other Names
Velvet Cichlid, Marble Cichlid, Standard Oscar, Red Tiger Oscar, Red Oscar, Albino Oscar, Peacock-eye

South America,  Amazon and Orinoco River Basins - Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela

Minimum Tank Size
30 gallons to start out with when they‘re young. However, they need to be upgraded quickly. A single adult needs a minimum of 75 gallons. It’s usually best to start out as large as possible.

Tank Setup
Lid - Prevents fish from jumping out.
Low light - Often like to each their food at the surface.
Fake plants - They like tearing up live plants.
Rocks and other decorations - Need stuff to rearrange and play with

75°- 86°F

Tank Level
Usually stay within the middle but will go to all levels of the tank.

These large fish tend to be messy due to large waste. They will need frequent changes and a decent filter.

Often territorial especially during breeding season. They have a reputation of being aggressive but not as much as some fish. Can be peaceful if paired up with other robust species. Some can even live within small groups.

These smart fish enjoy uprooting their plants and tank decorations. It’s not uncommon for them to put on a performance when they want attention. Swimming to the surface opening and closing their mouths Is another favorite attention getting action used quite often. They can even recognize their owners and learn their feeding schedules. Many can even be trained to swim to your hand or other tricks.

Their tanks shouldn’t be barren as they need stimulation and things to do. If they get bored or stressed it can lead to illness. Playing with heaters, bubble wands, plants, and other assorted decorations and even digging their gravel are favorite hobbies of this entertaining fish.

Watching their owners and what else is going on in the room is another favorite past time. They seem to thrive in a room where there’s a lot going on and they can see you.

They can be kept by themselves or with other fish of same size. Smaller fish can fall victim to these large fish that love to eat. 

  • Cichlids of same size 
  • Oscars
  • Barbs
  • Wolf Fish
  • Clown Loaches
  • Tiger Loaches
  • Sharks
  • Polypterus of similar size 
  • Synodontis Catfish (upside down and squeaker catfish)
  • Plecos
  • Pacu
  • Large Arowana
  • Silver Dollar
  • Annostomus 

Life span
10 years or more. Oscars are long term commitments and this should be taken into consideration.

12-16 inches. Grows up very fast
While still young they can grow at an impressive rate of up to 1+ inches a month.

These carnivorous fish are not very picky. Being opportunistic fish anything that fits in their mouths is fair game. This trait makes them always act hungry. They will do it whether they’re fed well or not. Overfeeding and health issues can be common due to this.  
Cichlid flakes
Cichlid pellets
Frozen foods
Brine shrimp
Insects and insect larvae
Crustaceans and other invertebrates
Plant matter

Difficult to determine.

A 55 gallon tank minimum is recommended. Often breeding pairs bond strongly and remain loyal. About 1000 eggs are laid on a pre cleaned site. Oscars make good parents and work together to protect their young.

Note - There’s many opinions, conflicting information, and care sheets out there for the way to care for Oscar Fish. As with any animal it’s important to always do your research. Be sure to check out many sources. 

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